Showing posts with label Photo Gallery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photo Gallery. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 15

Gaza,the breadbasket of Moza

Gaza is a province of Mozambique.
 It has an area of 75,709 km2 and a population of 1,333,106 (2006). 
Xai-Xai is the capital of the province.

 Inhambane Province is to the east, Manica Province to the north, Maputo Province to the south, South Africa to the west, and Zimbabwe to the northwest. 


Most of the district lies in the basin of the Limpopo River, which runs from northwest to southeast through the district, emptying into the Indian Ocean near Xai-Xai. 

The Changane River, a tributary of the Limpopo, forms part of the province's eastern boundary. 

The Rio dos Elefantes (Olifants River) flows into the district from the west through the Massingir Dam, to empty into the Limpopo. 

The Save River forms the northern boundary of the province. 

The Limpopo railway, which connects Zimbabwe and Botswana to the port of Maputo, runs through the province, entering Zimbabwe at the border town of Chicualacuala. 

The province, including the towns of Xai-Xai and Chokwe, were greatly affected by the 2000 Mozambique flood. Limpopo National Park lies within the province, bounded by the Elefantes and Limpopo rivers and the South African border. 

Banhine National Park lies in the east-central portion of the province.

 The Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park and its associated conservation area, which is in the process of being formed, will cover the northern part of the province, including both national parks, and extend into adjacent parts of Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. Administration 

The province was created on October 20, 1954.Gaza is made up of Bilene ,Macia ,Chibuto,Chicualacuala,Chigubo, Chókwè ,Guijá ,Mabalane,Manjacaze,Massagena ,Massingir and Xai-Xai andd the municipalities of: Chibuto ,Chókwè Macia,Manjacaze and Xai-Xai

Thursday, January 28


Off the beaten track, lake Niassa (Nyasa), the Mozambican side of Lake Malawi boasts a phenomenally beautiful and unspoiled countryside and shoreline well worth exploring if you have the time and patience. 

Lake Niassa is the third largest lake in Africa – 100 km across and 585 km long, and much of it is surrounded by the imposing Rift Valley Mountains. This great lake's tropical waters are reportedly the habitat of more species of fish than those of any other body of freshwater on Earth, including more than 1000 species of cichlids. 

Lake Niassa was officially declared a reserve by the Government of Mozambique in 2011 in an effort to protect one of the largest and bio-diverse freshwater lakes in the world Niassa is located to the west in the northern province of Niassa and forms part of the border between Malawi and Mozambique. LAM offers regular flights from Maputo, Beira and Nampula to Lichinga airport (VXC). 

From Lichinga public transport can be used to visit certain areas on the lake but for more remote destinations you will require your own vehicle or a private transfer.

Thursday, January 21

Maputo Train Station among the nine most beautiful in the world

Erected just over a century ago, the central station of the Mozambique Railways (CFM) in Maputo, was voted among the 10 most beautiful in the world by Finantial Express, international publication based in India.
According to the article published on Saturday, the architectural aspect is impressive, and "the season is a testament to the history of the country." The facade was designed by Gustave Eiffel. 

The article also highlights the two locomotives in the early twentieth century that are on display and the spaces of culture and leisure created inside, which gives it a very peculiar atmosphere, and where they organize thematic and temporary exhibitions of great jazz concerts.

The Mozambican station was included in a short list of which includes the stations of Antwerp and Liege (Belgium), London St. Pancras (England), New York Terminal (USA), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Atocha, Madrid (Spain ), Kanazawa (Japan), and Flinders Street Station, Melbourne (Australia).

The station of CFM was built between 1913 and 1916 designed by the architects Alfredo Augusto Lisbon, Mario Veiga and Ferreira da Costa.

O pais

Monday, November 30

LAKE NIASSA is another reasons why you should visit Mozambique

Malawians call it Lake Malawi, Mozambicans call it Lago Niassa .

Some say the Mozambican shore is nicer,quieter and more rugged.

Off the beaten track,lake Niassa (Nyasa), the Mozambican side of Lake Malawi boasts a phenomenally beautiful and unspoiled countryside and shoreline well worth exploring if you have the time and patience.

Lake Niassa is the third largest lake in Africa – 100 km across and 585 km long, and much of it is surrounded by the imposing Rift Valley Mountains.This great lake's tropical waters are reportedly the habitat of more species of fish than those of any other body of freshwater on Earth,including more than 1000 species of cichlids.

Lake Niassa was officially declared a reserve by the Government of Mozambique in 2011 in an effort to protect one of the largest and bio-diverse freshwater lakes in the world Niassa is located to the west in the northern province of Niassa and forms part of the border between Malawi and Mozambique.

LAM offers regular flights from Maputo, Beira and Nampula to Lichinga airport.

From Lichinga public transport can be used to visit certain areas on the lake but for more remote destinations you will require your own vehicle or a private transfer.

To see it at its best,head for Nkwichi lodge,a beautiful low-impact lodge in the Manda Wilderness area in Northern Mozambique.

Nkwichi is built into the rocks and around the trees of one of the lake’s most remote bays.

You can get there by charter flight (expensive) or by the lake ferry MV Ilala from Monkey in Malawi to Likoma Island where the lodge will fetch you.

Swim,eat, lie in the sun, paddle a canoe, drink a cold beer, eat lunch, have an afternoon doze, repeat. 

Visit Manda wildness.



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