Friday, January 1

Undeclared cash in South Africa: General Command of PRM predicts dentetion of more individuals involved

The General Command of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) announced yesterday sending a team of investigators to neighboring South Africa,to closely monitor the ongoing investigations surrounding the case of millions of dollars, euros and dollars in the possession of two Mozambicans held in that country.

The team in question is also questioning the two arrested individuals in the custody of the South African police.

Following that interrogation spokesman for the general command of PRM, Inácio Dina,said yesterday that there is a greater possibility within the coming days,for more arrests nationwide of more indivuduals involved in the case.

Even without revealing many details allegedly not to obstruct the process of investgation,Dina said that the detainees have some references that may culminate in the identification of other parties involved in the transport of undeclared cash

Wednesday, December 30

Economic relations between China and the CPLP cool down in 2015

After years of uninterrupted growth and a new year trading record in 2014,relations between China and the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) faced challenges in 2015,but difficulties have also increased the interconnection between all these countries.

Given the weight of raw materials, whose price was sharply lower throughout 2015,in the relationship between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries,the main negative impact was felt in the trade balance,which fell more than 25% until October,according
to data from the Chinese customs.

The Action Plan for Economic and commercial forum approved after the last Macau forum,expects to achieve by 2016 the target of 160 billion dollars in trade in all countries,which only will be possible with strong recovery in the year about to begin Trade with Brazil,China's main economic partne,fell more than 18% in 2015 and for Angola the drop was even more pronounced,almost 45 percent reflecting the fall in the price of oil.

Facts that marked 2015

Trucker fatally shot by trigger happy policemen while trying to flee.

Protection and police traffic officers, allegedly not identified in Tete, fatally shot a trucker at the end-of-week,at Caundje control station in Moatize district,allegedly for attempting to escape after being involved in a road accident.

The driver was hit with five bullets in the rib cage,according to Radio
Mozambique,quoting the spokesman of the Police for the Republic of Mozambique (PRM),Luis Núdia,in that central province of the country,explaining that the circumstances in which the victim was shot were unclear,but there is information specifyiing that the driver in question had immobilized the truck at the local checkpoint and then attempted to make an escape on foot.

Louis Núdia added that the provincial commander of the PRM in Tete has formed a team to investigate the real causes that motivated the agents of law and order to open fire on the late,because it is believed that there was an excess of zeal on the part of police officers.

"The direction of the command created a team to go to Moatize to assess the situation,to see what had really contributed to the end of shooting real bullets at the motorist,serving and considering he had left the car and was running with his own feet.

The fact that the vehicle was abandoned was enough for us to seek to know the company and the driver who had been entrusted with the vehicle",said the police commandant according to the public radio station.

The spokesman for PRM that the driver in question,in addition to causing accidents between cars,hit a taxi driver and damaged a fence in the municipal town of Moatize.

However,sources close to the victim,who refused to be identified also claimed that a woman who was in the company of the deceased was shot seriously in
the lower limbs; an information not confirmed by the police

Manifestation illegal:Armed Defence and Security Forces make it impossible for Renamo to manifest in Maputo

The Armed Forces of Defence and Security prevented early on Tuesday,a march by members of the largest political opposition party saying it was illegal.(March of Renamo supporters in Maputo was allegedly intended to greet the capital's residents during the Christmas holidays and New Year's Eve)

A contingent of the Defence and Security Forces (FDS) heavily armed,surrounded yesterday during part of the morning
hours,the headquarters of Renamo in Maputo,to derail a march of activists of that party,which was scheduled for this Tuesday - in another case that shows the level of prevalent political tension in the country.

The FDS got into position with armored cars,anti-riot brigade and police dogs on the streets giving access the to headquarters of the main opposition party,with a readiness to respond to any contempt.Witnesses heard by"O Pais" reported that everything began at about five in the morning.

During the police presence,there was registred moments of animosity between the authorities and members of the Renamo,and the police fired tear gas and rubber bullets and damaged a tobacco shop and a car.

Tuesday, December 29

"Mozambicans are one and able to sustain national unity"

Former president,Joaquim Chissano,says the festive season should be a time of reflection on national unity and the values ​​of peace in the country.

The elder statesman believes that the fact that Mozambicans unite and celebrate the festive season
together,even with the difference of religions and beliefs,is an unequivocal sign of tolerance.

Mr Chissano was speaking a few days ago on the margins of various product donations to a charity on the part of its foundation,also called upon society to preserve peace.

"We are very pleased to note that we moçambicans are happy amongst ourselves despite being of different religions when there is a day like Christmas and Eid and others that for every religion,are sacred.

This makes Mozambican families unite and be able to sustain national unity and work for peace and development for the benefit of all",Chissano said

Oldemiro Baloi says to keep the peace ''we need to materialize the political will''.

The Minister of Business and Cooperation considers that 2015 was a year in which the political will to keep the peace was present,but lacked the will to transform into concrete actions

Oldemiro Baloi,who spoke recently at the margin of a toast offered by t President Filipe Nyusi at the end of the year current,states that"there is need of artfulness and ingenuity to transform this political will into achievements."

Balói characterized the year about
ending as "complicated" and explained that the first negative
effects were the floods that affected more than 144,000 people and devastated more than 13,000 homes.

Besides floods,the depreciation of the metical is affecting the lives of Mozambicans.

MAN OF GOD ACCUSED:Bishop Sengulane

Renamo accuses Dinis Sengulane of praying for the death of Afonso Dhlakama.

Thursday, December 17

Health watch:Diarreah

Four people died in the last twenty-four hours,victims of acute diarrhea accompanied by vomiting,in Lake district,Niassa province.

They had been evacuated from Tulo location for the health center Metangula,in the same district,
in critical condition.

Health authorities in the Lake District say they have knowledge of four other deaths that occurred in the communities.Elídio Mbuz, District Director of Health,Women and Social Affairs, said that from September this part of the lake District noted above four cases of acute diarrhea and vomiting.

The source said that at present, acute diarrhea,accompanied by vomiting,is affecting Metangula,administrative post of Cobue and Maniamba,Tulo,Timba and Meluluca.

Not satisfied- presdent Nyusi

"We are still not satisfied with our state of the nation".

With these words Philip Nyusi introduced his first annual report on the overall situation of the nation.

The feeling of dissatisfaction is not unique to the President:millions of Mozambicans experience the uncertainties of peace and troubled economic times.

The merit is that everyone is recognizing that there is still much to be done and that the path remains long and winding.

"We would be very content if we could definitively solve the basic problems of poverty,exclusion and peace",he said,reproducing the words from his 15 January 2015 inauguration speech.

Even without attempting to justify,Nyusi did not escape trying to list the factors which,in his view,conditioned the performance of the economy.

Floods and flooding in the center and north of the country in the first months of the year,which forced the downward revision of GDP growth from 7.5% to 7%.

The Government had to prioritize the normalization of life of the affected families,as well as reconstruction of damaged infrastructure such as roads,
bridges and power transmission stations.

In the Centre and North were the
floods that laid down close to 73 000 hectares of crops in the south was the drought that devastated 64,000 hectares and about 494,000 cattle.

Monday, December 14

Mozambican company exports more than 100 tons of tea to China

The company Magoma tea,in Zambezia province,this year exported to China more than 100 tons of a variety of tea called "Orthodox,"(“Ortodoxa”)said a company official speaking to Radio Mozambique.

Valdemiro Varinde said this variety of exported tea is very nourishing and aromatic,allowing the company which is based in Gurué district,the center of tea production in the country,to get foreign currency necessary for the pursuit of its business.

This variety of tea has recently been introduced at the request of the market,after 45 years of dropout due to high production costs,since each bush leaves are harvested only from the top,while in other varieties can be harvested leaves of the intermediate zone.

Man stumbles upon golden bullion hidden in a cave

Pedro Manhike,36,of Chissua village in Tete province,Mozambique is living the life of his dreams after reportedly stumbling upon gold bullion stashed away in a cave in the mountains of Chissua village,in the Chitima district.

The local police were suscipicious when the poor villager suddenly started showing signs of living large,so they decided to investigate.

Sources from Pedro's village told the police that Pedro had stumbled upon gold bars stashed away in a ''sacred'' cave.

Of course upon invading the home of Pedro,the police did not find any gold hidden there and therefore could do nothing against the now rich man.(Pedro supposedly bought a lot of household property,opened a big grocery shop and bought several brand new vehicles)

On his part the villager explained that he had gotten his wealth from working the land.''My wealth is a result of honest,hard work cultivating the land'',he told the police.

It is not clear who hid such huge amounts of pure gold in the mountains.

It is highly likely that the gold was hid there during the time when the Portuguese were given an altmatum by Samora Machel,the no nonsense first presdent of independent Mozambique,to leave Mozambique within 24hours carrying only their personal belongings.

Saturday, December 12

Mugabe reads wrong speech yet again

Victoria Falls-Zimbabwe’s President
Robert Mugabe has once again read out a wrong speech.

The incident ongoing at the time of writing occurred during his party’s annual conference in the resort town.

This is the second time the Zimbabwe Head of State has blundered before the cameras and comes after he this year read a wong state-of-the-nation address at the end of August when he was heckled by MPs.

His spokesman back then defended him saying that the error was because of a mix-up in the president’s secretarial office.

But this time Mr Mugabe caused jaws to break suddenly across Zimbabw when he fumbled again retreating from his prepared speech right before the big crowd.

As he opened the speech,he read it saying“I would like to welcome
you to this central committee meeting of our 15th conference then said, “ahhhhhh this is wrong.”He then instantaneously looked aside,and while fidgiting,tried to read again.

He then repeatedly read out the very same content,shortly before quitting and soon started speaking off his head.

We know an explanation shall be given to the press in typical Zanu Pf fashion.Mugabe is the oldest serving leader in Africa.

Many question the state of his health,hinting that the older statesman may be sick.In fact, old people haven't that much vigour to gorven a struggling country like Zimbabwe.Soon somebody has to replace Mugabe as the presdent of Zimbabwe and only then shall these Mugabe comedies come to an end.

Unknown individuals exhume albino corpse from grave in Quelimane city

Unknown individuals exhumed in the early hours of Thursday,the
body of an albino in the Mariana Cemetery,located in Micajune ,outside Quelimane city

The fact shocked people living
nearby and others who visited that location.Evildoers vandalized the grave,opened and removed the body from the coffin and left the corpse on the ground uncovered-and bare.

The brother of the ill- fated, confirmed that his sister had skin pigmentation problems.

He explained that his sister died recently,that is,late last month, which means that the family is still grieving.

"We heard only talk about the
situation that albinos are facing in other provinces.Our fear was that it would spread to our province.

We can not accept to live in this
situation, so we are asking that
justice is done, "said a woman
at the site.

The police were called and conducted expert work on site. Moments later,came the medical team to determine if there has been
extraction of body organs.

The medical team did not detect any abnormality in the body of the ill-fated.

Nuvunga blames former government for the fall of the metical

The Center for Public Integrity (CIP) celebrated last Wednesday,a decade of existence.

Several individuals from members of that research institution to academics,lawyers,politicians,businessmen and journalists attended the anniversary.

In his speech,the director of CIP,Adriano Nuvunga,pointed out some of the consequences of corruption in Mozambique.

Nuvunga said that"the dizzying slippage of the metical is partly a result of the accumulated costs of corruption,with particular emphasis on under-invoicing and over invoicing of large public projects.

Nuvunga cited corruption over the past ten years of governance,
incidentally,the same years in
which his guild has been in existence.

These counter corruption indices,in
his view,contradict the existing anti-corruption discourse of the last government.Therefore,"corruption not only hit the state apparatus bone marrow,but also took root in other institutions of the illegal unconstitutional costumes of our country," he added.andgt;dv/andgt;

Friday, December 11

FESTIVE SEASON AT THE DOOR: Health alert on cholera risk

Health officials warn that the lack of hygiene in the handling of food and the deterioration of environment sanitation can provide conditions for the cholera outbreak during the festive season ahead,and call for extra care in communities.

Ussene Isse,national director for Medical Assistance,said the purpose-that one should pay attention when buying products,drawing attention to the need for the same to be done in places with good hygiene.

Isse also recommended a healthy diet,as well as taking care when buying food products,in compliance withthe respective expiry dates.

Health authorities have warned of the risk of outbreak of the disease and its rapid spread,mainly because of being in full the rainy season and associated with the greater movement of people.

The appeal,according to Isse,is that there be increased vigilance and reinforcement of the measures for individual and collective hygiene.

In the city and province of Maputo the fear of the authorities is related to the fact that restrictions on the power supply is affecting the availability of water,creating
an environment conducive to the spread of diarrheal diseases including cholera,especially at a time there is lot of movement of persons from one point to another in the country.

Cholera is common in Mozambique during the rainy season,which usually extendfrom October to March.

The situation is aggravated in
situations of poor sanitation or even restrictions in water supply.

During the rainy seasons,the provinces step up sanitation campaigns as a way to prevent diarrheal diseases,particularly cholera.

Held in the third weekend of each month,the campaigns were reactivated soon after the outbreak of cholera that affected earlier this year in the provinces of Tete, Zambezia and Nampula.

The experience helped to contain the epidemic in a short time that the country was going through in Tete,Zambezia and Nampula,where there were registered many cases and deaths.

The national sanitation campaign also aims to improve the population's hygiene habits to
reduce all water-borne diseases, including diarrhea,malaria and cholera.

Dhlakama breaks silence and says he will take power in central and northern Mozambique

The Mozambican opposition
leader Afonso Dhlakama,who had been silent for the past two months said he will leave after Christmas the unknown place where he is and rule the center and north of the country.

The president of Renamo (Mozambique National Resistance) made the pronounciation by phone during a meeting of the Youth League of his party held in Maputo on 30 November,and whose recording was broadcast on the
Mozambican press and social networks.

"We will not make war,I promise, we will spend well the festivities of the Christmas season and then we will take hold," said Afonso Dhlakama,referring to his party's initiative to govern in the provinces where claims election victory,in the center and north of the country, through a model of provincial authorities already rejected by the majority Frelimo (Mozambique
Liberation Front) in parliament.

In his just over seven-minute speech,the leader of Renamo referred precisely to the timely revision project of the Constitution to accommodate the provincial authorities,and on November 30 received a negative opinion of the specialized committees of Parliament and was formally rejected at a plenary session of the legislature on Monday.

Nevertheless,Dhlakama said he will not back down and that his party will be sworn in the six provinces in order to correct what he claims to have been a fraud in the general elections of October 15, 2014,officially won by Frelimo.

"If necessary we will take Maputo
too'',he threatened,referring to the capital of the country and out of the list of territories that the party aims to govern.

Today marks two months since the Renamo leader has not been seen in public after the defense and security forces surroundend his residence in Beira,on 09 October,in an operation to seize weapons collection in possession of the personal guard of Dhlakama.

In the message to the meeting of the Youth League,the opposition leader said that "the danger has passed"and justified his long silence .

"I'm preparing myself to force the government of Frelimo to fall once and for all'',Dhlakama said returning the appeal to respect the Comprehensive Peace Agreement,which ended in 1992 the civil war in Mozambique.

"If the Agreement of Rome has
expired,democracy is expired.",said Afonso Dhlakama.

Insisting he does not want war,the leader of the largest opposition party said that his party will take power in the central and northern provinces"without bloodshed",but advised the authorities not to respond or they"will get a beating"
and that if they put tanks on the streets,"Renamo will destroy everything."

No information on the whereabouts of Dhlakama has been confirmed or denied by the party which ensures that their leader is "very good of health and has worked for the enrichment of democracy in the country."

However the offive of the leader of the Renamo office told Lusa Dhlakama has an upcoming press conference soon,but this is not the first time that this has been announced and there has been no achievement to date.

The police operation in Beira came a day after the opposition leader had reappeared in the mountains of Gorongosa,after two weeks at large,following two incidents in the province of Manica involving his company in Chibata (September 12) and Zimpinga (September 25),where the authorities say killed 25 Renamo men.

After the siege of Beira,the defense and security forces began a compulsory collection of firearms held by Renamo,which ended in clashes in some regions,but in the meantime suspended by Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi to make room for dialogue .

Afonso Dhlakama also had been at large for 17 months after state forces took by storm the Renamo base at Sadjundjira (Gorongosa) and dislodge it on October 21, 2013.He reappeared for signing of the Agreement of Terminatioion of
military hostilities,on September 5, 2014, with the outgoing President, Armando Guebuza.

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Gorongosa National Park Prepares for Sixth Aerial Census