Tuesday, February 28

Food aid in Mozambique this month

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Reopened 30 schools closed due to military- political tension in Morrumbala

books for the 1st and 2nd class not yet reached the schools

Schools that had been closed due to the political-military tension were reopened in the district of Morrumbala, Zambézia. In all, are 30 schools that, thanks to military truce are working normally.
According to the administrator of that district, Peter Sapange, classes continue at good pace, despite the students of the 1st and 2nd class not yet having books.

All schools are running, to us this is very beneficial. We were able to freely distribute books for the 3rd and 4th classes. Those of the 1st and 2nd classes have not yet been received. We hope to receive them during the month of March or April", said the administrator of Morrumbala.

In the country, the school year began January 20, but some schools closed due to the political and military tension now return to normal.

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Saturday, February 25

Party cleavages - one of the factors of voter abstention in the country

IESE study reveals that the difficulties of access to basic services and resources feed the sense of exclusion .

A study released Wednesday by the Institute of Social and Economic Studies (IESE) points to political-party cleavages as one of the factors that contributes to the High levels of voter abstention in the country.

The studies, published in the form of reports and entitled "Beira - party cleavages" and "Electoral abstainers", are analyzed by the researchers and academics Salvador Forquilha and Luís de Brito, "analyze the dynamics of electoral abstention in Beira starting from two Important factors "such as political-party cleavages and voter perceptions regarding relations with the state (municipal / district authorities), crystallized in access to basic services and resources, particularly the fund for the reduction of urban poverty ".

According to a summary, contained in a press release sent to us, the conclusion is that "political-party cleavages, crystallized in conflicts between the main political parties, namely Frelimo, Renamo and MDM, and the difficulties Access to basic services and resources are important factors affecting voter turnout. "

The reports argue that "on the one hand, party-political cleavages influence electoral operations, particularly the census and voting processes, and, on the other hand, difficulties in accessing basic services and resources fuel the sense of exclusion, Which informs the voters' attitude towards politics and voting",
The profile of the abstentionist In this report the profile of the abstentionists is presented and the author concludes that in demographic terms, abstention concerns, in particular, women and mainly affects the younger citizens. From a sociological point of view, those who abstain most are the less educated and occupationally situated on the margins of the formal economy, with emphasis on informal workers and the unemployed, followed by peasants and farmers. In line with these factors, it was observed that the worse the living conditions of the families, the greater the tendency to abstain.

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Nampula-Cholera deaths out of hospital

Number of cases shows a downward trend in recent days

The Health Department in Nampula admits the possibility of extrahospital deaths, especially in communities far from administrative posts in Netia, Mecuco, Monapo district and Namialo , In Meconta district, where a cholera outbreak has been reported.

The provincial chief health officer in Nampula, Suleimane Isidoro, explains that cholera was confirmed in February, with a worsening on days 14 and 15, when an average of 23 and 29 were admitted admitted to the cholera treatment centers (CTC) ) suffering from that disease.

Initially, the populations believed that they were simple cases of diarrheal diseases. But later, the diagnoses would confirm that it was cholera. "We decided to do searches in the neighborhoods, because the community said, someone died of diarrhoea in this and in that house. As a consequence, we have increased the number of cases of cholera, which suggests that they should be those cases that were in the neighborhoods that, unfortunately, were not taken to the health units, "said Isidoro. He explained that, therefore, it is not possible to rule out the possibility of deaths outside hospitals. He said that, fortunately, there is no record of fatalities in health units. The source reveals that, overall, the number of cases shows a decreasing trend over the last few days. According to the records, up to this moment 13 people are hospitalized, 12 in Netia and one in the Namialo health center. Health is already mobilizing communities on the importance of personal and collective hygiene, water treatment for consumption using cleansing products such as "Certeza" and "Chlorine", which are being distributed free of charge in the health units. "There is a certain relationship of cases of cholera with the conditions of life that the populations are having, mainly, as far as the water supply is concerned."

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Teacher assaults nurse in Chimoio

A teacher has been detained accused of having beaten a nurse, allegedly because he has been slow to attend to his son.

The case occurred last night at the Provincial Hospital of Chimoio. Ilager Ernesto, the nurse, suffered a stroke in the middle of the day. "I went away to fetch the gloves so I could take care of the sick. Suddenly, the patient's father hit me. I did not react, I was surprised by the attitude", explained the nurse.

The assailant says that he opted for violence in total despair because the nurse was slow in attending. "I asked him to come and see me, and the nurse started to laugh at me, taking a long time without answering me. I approached him, took his arm away. I beat him in response to the aggression he had started, "said the accused, Carlos Aníbal Alfredo. One of the nurses in service at the time, Isaura Geraldo, confirms the beating scene at the Chimoio provincial hospital, involving her colleague and the teacher. "We heard a noise. First we thought he was one of the mentally ill who usually go to the hospital. I went there and found that my colleague was being beaten. The teacher's son was already being treated when I came to the rescue of my colleague, "said the nurse. The case went to the police and the teacher can not carry out his duties, because he is detained. This is the second case of beating nurses at the Provincial Hospital of Chimoio, in less than a month for alleged poor care.

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Mozambique to export Avocado pears to

avocados in mozambique
The province of Manica will export avocado pear produced in Mozambique to the international market, with emphasis on France, said Westfalia consultant Manuel Roriz, quoted by the Mozambican Information Agency.

The first 400-ton batch may leave the country bound for France by the end of next month. Westfalia is an agricultural company operating in the province of Manica two years ago, occupying an area of ​​about 250 hectares.

Roriz, who announced the fact during the visit of the governor of the province of Manica, Alberto Mondlane, explained that, for this purpose, Westfalia invested in the first phase around 480 thousand dollars. The plan, according to the source, is to sell the fruit to other European countries, and for that, work is underway to obtain the certificate of export to other countries, including Africans. "The first exit is scheduled for the end of March. We are processing the fruit. We are also waiting for a visit from South Africa to inspect the fruit. Then we will open to the South African market. We intend to increase production areas. We will open new fields in other areas of Manica. Our record will be in 2021, when we expect to export seven thousand tons, "Roriz said.
The governor of the province of Manica expressed his satisfaction with the project, stating that the company, although new, is working for its growth. "We have seen that even though the company is starting, everything is done for its growth. It is a firm that gives us much hope of growth. It is time for Mozambique to appear on the map of producer and exporter of fruit, "said the governor.

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Sunday, February 19

Cholera outbreak in the wake of cyclone Dineo

Cholera outbreak in the wake of cyclone Dineo
Along with the havoc wreaked by tropical storm Dineo, Mozambique has also been hit by a cholera epidemic, with 216 confirmed cases of the diarrhoeal disease and one death in three cities, radio station VOA Portugues reported on Thursday.
The capital Maputo, currently experiencing water shortages and rationing, is one of the affected cities. The others are Matola, which lies to the south of Maputo and Nampula in northern Mozambique. the radio said, quoting the deputy national director of public health.
Dineo has brought destruction to coastal areas of the southern African country. There are now reports of seven deaths.
Cholera's spread is facilitated by heavy rains. This is also the case with typhoid, which has been reported in neighbouring Zimbabwe in recent weeks.


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