
Catholic Church dabbling in Politics advocates people's engagement in the establishment of remuneration standards.

Nyusi to embark on a state visit to Finland next week .

Prime minister impressed by infrastructure reconstruction in Palma

Lake Cahora -Bassa:Fishermen denounce smuggling of kapenta

Motion to assist Mozambique in its fight against terrorism in Cabo Delgado is approved by the Pan-African Parliament.

90 year old man narrowly escapes a lynch mob in Maputo

Gaza Province: Cases of Suicides alarmingly on the rise

Single Salary Table: Minister requests teachers in Mozambique to remain calm

Muslim leader beheaded in Namuno; 18 rebels slain in battle in Cabo Delgado

Pan African Parliament first ordinary session: Strengthening nutritional resilience and food security on the African continent:

Mozambique: Prime rate rises to 20.6%

SUDAN: WFP Welcomes SEK 26 million from the Swedish Government to support the PostHarvest Loss (PHL) Programme [EN/AR]

Nampula. Disputes between two commercialization firms may result in the layoff of around 3,000 employees.

The Mocmboa da Praia neighborhood in Cabo Delgado saw a return of almost 35,000 inhabitants.

Mozambique:Starts a national moratorium on the harvest of surface shrimp and mangrove crab

Terrorism in Cabo Delgado: beheadings continue.

Sofala. The first 50 homes could be delivered to Nhamatanda's Idai victims before year's end.