A Mozambican citizen, whose identitywas not revealed, was severely torturedby two South African soldiers who have since been suspended from the Armed Forces and face justice in that country. The scenes of the beating were known through a video with shocking images of about two minutes circulating onsocial networks, unaware of the true incident on the border of Lebombo,between Mozambique and South Africa.Soldiers patrol the border line between the two countries and willhave brutally beaten the Mozambicanunder the theft charge. The matter was reported this week for the first time by the South African public television SABC,and played by Mozambique Television (TVM). The South African Ministry ofDefence confirmed that two soldierswere identified, arrested and suspended from the Armed Forces. In turn, the military leadership, by Brigadier GeneralXolano Mabanga, of the Forces of Defense of South Africa, confirmed theauthenticity of the video and said theimages were first seen at the end of lastJuly . Accordingto Xolano Mabanga, "the two soldiers werearrested following their identification and appeared in court. The soldiers weresuspended for investigation to determine if there are other charges "-he said. The military have been stationed along the border withMozambique following the wave of xenophobia that has shaken SouthAfrica in April. At the time, PresidentJacob Zuma announced the placementof military in border areas to curb theflow of illegal migrants to South Africa

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