Namaacha Border (Swaziland > Mozambique)

BORDER OPENING TIMES: 08H00 - 17H00 / 7 days a week. LOCATION:North East Swaziland MR3 > EN5, Maputo Province, Mozambique DESCRIPTION: Opening times are from 08.00 to 17.00 / 7 days a
week. Get to the border early because during the
holiday period, there can be a large que of vehicles waiting to get through the border. Take this into
account when timing your travel to your destination.
Note: DO NOT BE LATE! Plan your trip wisely so that you do not get to the border too late !


Valid Passport with more than 6 months remaining
until expiry date. Citizens of South Africa, Botswana,
Malawi, Mauritius, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and
Zimbabwe do not require holiday visas, though all
other nationalities require holiday visas (which can
be obtained from the border) to get into Mozambique, (takes approx. 30min). All Nationals
need a working visa only if he / she is entering
Mozambique for business. Valid Driver's License of the driver (SA drivers
license accepted) International / Mozambican driver's license if
staying for longer than 6 months (can be obtained
from the AA) Vehicle & Boat Registration Documents Get a letter from the bank allowing your vehicle
across the border IF your vehicle is being financed A Temporary import permit is compulsary for
vehicles & must be filled in at the border (only
DA341 form) Compulsory Third Party Liability Insurance
Certificate (valid for 30 days from date issued and
can be obtained from the border) per vehicle & per
towed application. If you are towing anything, eg:
Quad Bikes, Jetskis, a Caravan, a Trailer - you will
need to attach the BLUE & YELLOW TRIANGLES to the front of your 4x4 and on the back of the towed
application. If you are entering the Mozambique with $US 5,000
or more, a "Declaration of entry of foreign
currency" must be collected and completed at the
customs desk If your vehicle is longer than 6 meters, then you
will be required to put reflectors on the front and
rear of your vehicle. Each vehicle must have the 2 red reflective triangles
& 2 reflective vests No drugs, firearms or explosive materials can be
brought in Mozambique.

(Prices are
subject to change): 3rd party insurance (available at the border) is
compulsary - R150 per vehicle and R80 per Trailer. A Temporary import permit for vehicles and
whatever trailer you are towing - R10 each. Approximate total needed for the border: R350
(prices are subject to change)


Goods to the value of $US 200, inclusive of beer and
other consumables, such as meat. 1 (one) litre of spirits 2,5 litres (3 bottles) of wine 2 cartons (or 400) cigarettes Children under the age of 18 do not qualify for
liquor allowances.


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