CABO DELGADO - RAINY SEASON APPROACHES : Population urged to leave areas of high risk.

The GOVERNOR of Cabo Delgado, Celmira
da Silva said last Monday,that the
population living in areas considered at
risk to floods and other calamities,
specific to the rainy season should
abandon these places before the worst happens. The minister indicated that the effects
of natural events such as rain and
strong winds, can not be doom and loss
of human lives and property if effective
risk management is undertaken. Da Silva was speaking at Paquitequete
neighborhood during the ceremony of
delivery of "kits" of emergency for
disaster risk management to the
members of the Risk Committee of that
residential area, acquired by the International Development US Agency
(USAID), in partnership with the
Municipal Council of the City of Pemba. Delivered were first aid supplies,
megaphones, rubber boots, lamps,
raincoats, radios, flashlights, life jackets,
among others, whose offer was inserted
in Programa de Adaptação das Cidades Costeiras (PACC),(PACC ), implemented in
Pemba, Quelimane and Beira,
particularly in the
provinces of Cabo Delgado, Zambezia
and Sofala. On the occasion the minister said that
vulnerability to climate change is reality
in the city of Pemba and in many other
regions of the province, saying that the
latest rains that destroyed public and
private infrastructure is a corollary of that, and to this end called on the
population to heed early warnings that
are issued by entities related to disaster
management. "These means should be used by all
members of this community if
necessary.If these Means alone will not
the problem, then we have to
collaborate with the local committee, which will work with people who are
affected by any calamity to render first
aid. I
would also say that the kits received
here are not the property of the Risk
Committee elements "- she explained Da Silva said that there is no end to the
phenomenon of climate change but
explained that the effects of this evil can
be minimized if the people participate
actively in mitigation avoiding living in
areas considered
prone to flooding, floods, windstorms
and build housing
and other resistant infrastructure It should be noted that apart from
Paquitequete, considered the most
prone to natural disasters
neighborhood, as it is located at the
same level of the sea, Similar kits
were also delivered to the neighborhoods of Maringanha and
Chibuabuari, other residential areas of
vulnerable Pemba to bad weather . The director of the PACC and
representative of USAID, Carlos Quintela,
present at the ceremony, said that the
material will help save lives and
minimize damage in an emergency
situation. He added that in addition to the municipalities, the program is also
working with the National Institute of
Disaster Management (INGC) and local
communities to reduce the vulnerability


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