Manuel de Araújo so characterized the President of Renamo,Afonso Dhlakama.

President Afonso Marceta Macacho Dhlakama is a protagonist unavoidable in the history of Mozambique for his immeasurable contribution to the implementation of the Stateof democratic law in our country. Any attempt to eliminate him physically is a big mistake and is a cultural backlash, social,economic and civilizational.The regime of Suharto Indonesia did not physically annihilate Xanana Gusmao and the regime of Apartheid in South Africa did not kill Nelson Mandela, because they are an integral part of the history of those people, for us here in Mozambique, Renamo President, should be cherished and protected because he is part of history of Mozambicans for his invaluable contribution regards freedom of expression. His undeniable andundisputed participation in the struggle for national independence, gives him the inalienable right to figure in the list of freedom fighters.Because of injustice, social exclusion,political exclusion, economic exclusion,intolerance against those who think differently, the abolition of Régulos(Regulus (Latin Regulus, "little king",
reizete) was the name given in the
historiography and Portuguese colonial
administration to tribal chiefs and other
African potentates and more rarely in
Asia, namely Timor. The title was used throughout the Portuguese colonial
history to designate authority figures of
any kind, among the colonized peoples.)Healers, the fight against religions, places of desecration of worship and sacred, transforming them into barracks,dance houses, made Mozambicans rise up in arms to restore the dignity ignored after national independence.


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