Mother butchers own baby
Mother killed her newborn son using knife blows to the genitals of the child. The event took place this weekend in the neighborhood of Namuteliua, outskirts of the city of Nampula, next to the field of Makonde. According TVM,she first simulated a rape having gone to the police station where she made the complaint. After investigation, the abduction version was discarded because the young teenager confessed to being the author of the crime,using a kitchen knife to end the life of her son of two months to make forceful blows to the genitals of the baby. The young Father requires that jstice is done.The police found the body of the baby in a dump, next to the field called Makonde, Namutequeliua neighborhood, in the city of Nampula.The case is being treated as voluntary manslaughter. The indicted 16- year-old is a student at the secondary school of Nampaco, where she attends the tenth grade.
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