Peace and development go reflection forum in Maputo

The Soico group by
Mozambique in Action
Foundation, and the
Organization for the
Promotion of Peace and
Humanitarian Development (ORPHAD), will hold this coming Friday in
Maputo,thr capital city,a discussion forum on
peace and development in
Mozambique. According to a
note from the organization,
the event aims to bring together about 200
participants, including
parliamentarians, development
partners, academics, lawyers,
business owners and
managers, to reflect on the ways for effective peace in the
country. According to the
organizers, the
forum aims to "promote a
space for reflection and debate, where all the living
forces of society, basef up
on their experiences, can
reflect, to agree on the
positioning the causes,
consequences, prevention and resolution of conflicts; reflect
on progress and constraints in
peacekeeping and its
consequences for the country's
development; and promote
awareness of responsibility within society as a guarantor
of the preservation of an
environment of peace and
development in Mozambique "


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