Renamo demands Afonso Dhlakama's guards be intergrated into the Police

A few days after the assault on the
residence of Afonso Dhlakama, in Beira,which led to the disarmament of his guards, Renamo came public yesterday demanding the creation of a new police force for the protection of leading figures. With this proposal, Renamo wants Afonso Dhlakama's unarmed security guards to be intergrated into the Defence
and Security Forces (FDS) and to become part of that task force formed in state schools.The idea is that after the training,these same guards re- serve the leader of Renamo. This requirement was revealed yesterday by the spokesman of that party, António Muchanga,during a press
conference in Maputo. At the time,
Muchanga said the requirement is because the party no longer trusts the police, allegedly because it tried to  assassinate its leader, Afonso Dhlakama, during attacks on his entourage, on 12 and 25 of  last month in Manica .


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