Interior Minister confirms attacks on bases of Renamo

The military clashes in recent days have been recorded frequently in Zambezia, specifically Morrumbala, and Sofala, in the region of Satungira in the administrative post of Vanduzi, Gorongosa district, and that have resulted in human casualties and property damage - whose Data have not been made public - on the side of the Defence and Security Forces and armed Renamo men, aimed at dismantling the foundations of Renamo and disarm the so- called residual "partridge" forces.

This was the explanation given by Interior Minister Jaime Basilio, on the afternoon of Friday, in Gorongosa district, Sofala, when confronted by the press about the frequent exchanges of fire in those regions.

"The peaceful environment concerns us all. What is happening in Vanduzi and Morrumbala are institutions efforts with vocation chasing nests of instability to remove these threats, in obedience to the wishes of all Mozambicans. We will follow these outbreaks, wherever they are, until we remove the last nest and pass the country to live peacefully


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