Thursday, January 7

Military conscription: 15000 young people to be covered in Inhambane

In Inhambane, 15 000 young
people will be covered by the current conscription campaign,
launched today on a national scale. For this purpose have been created in all more than 140 registration centers made by about 170 brigades

Pemba hotel Mozambique


 Perfectly positioned amongst the key oil and gas and support companies in the burgeoning town of Pemba, Mozambique, The Nautilus Hotel offers short and long-term accommodation in thatched seaside bungalows on the tropical, white, and sandy Wimbi Beach. This Pemba Hotel Mozambique has a popular restaurant and bar with an infinity pool overlooking the warm Indian Ocean.Pemba hotel

Drought of great magnitude shakes Gaza province

After 26 years,another drought of great magnitude is back to shake the region of the Great Limpopo in Gaza province.

The situation is most critical, because the Massingir dam that could relieve the lower Limpopo region in emergencies, can not release the waters that are in the
reservoir due to failure of the damaged bottom discharger in 2008. Currently the dam of Massingir is reserving precious 60 percent of its full capacity ,that is ,about 1 and a half million cubic meters.

It is enough to provide the region of the valley of the Great Limpopo in two consecutive years of prolonged drought.But the ineffectiveness of bottom
unloaders which enjoys general average since 2008, put everything on the ground.

The Limpopo River, the main river basin in Gaza province and its
tributaries, is practically dry.The Regional Administration of Aguas de Sul Ara Sul, is aware of this situation. This running against the clock to minimize the impact of the drought that already brought negative impacts on agrarian production, especially in the districts of Chokwe, Massingir,Chibuto and Guija. 

The managing director of Ara South Elio Banze said that the upstream countries also have also been affected-by the lack of rain and if the situation prevails in
the coming days, Gaza will go through its worst drought in 40 years. Capable of holding 2 million, eight hundred thousand cubic meters, in addition to coping with the large magnitude of floods, the dam of Massingir has the ability to
irrigate 90,000 hectares in the valley region of the Great Limpopo in three consecutive years of prolonged drought

Tuesday, January 5

France reckoning on offering direct flights from Paris to Maputo.

Aviation group Air France-KLM says it is negotiating with the Mozambican government to offer direct flights from Paris to Maputo this year. 

The airline roup’s vice-president Frank Legre is quoted in local media on Sunday as saying the route includes direct links between Paris and Maputo,the Mozambican capital, where the economy is growing quickly and which has become attractive because of the discovery of natural gas deposits.

 The most recent airline to enter the Mozambican market is Qatar Airways, which introduced flights from Doha to Maputo three times a week via Johannesburg, South Africa. João Abreu, the president of thenMozambique Institute of Civil Aviation (IACM), said that the negotiations were the result of a memorandum signed late last year with his French counterpart concerning a direct link between France and Mozambique and covering the French islands in the Indian Ocean. 
As part of the plan, three weekly flights are now offered between Pemba in northern Mozambique and Mayotte in the Comoros by French carrier Air Austral under a code- sharing agreement with Mozambican flagship airline Linhas Aéreas de Mozambique(LAM). 

The agreement could also potentially open up new routes between Reunion and Maputoand other Mozambicandestinations. 

Source: APA


PELO menos 12 viaturas de diversas marcas foram recuperadas na província de Inhambane no mês de Dezembro último, das quais seis foram roubadas só na semana das festas.

 O recrudescimento da onda de roubo de viaturas, um fenómeno considerado novo e estranho na província, preocupam sobremaneira as autoridades policiais que, entretanto, prometem apertar cada vez mais o cerco para estancar aquele crime que afecta sobretudo a capital provincial onde foram furtados aqueles automóveis durante a recente quadra festiva. 

Depois de roubadas na capital de Inhambane, de acordo com Juma Ali Dauto, chefe das Relações Públicas no Comando Provincial da Polícia da República de Moçambique (PRM) foram recuperadas nos distritos de Massinga, Inhassoro, Govuro, na cidade da Maxixe e no posto de controlo de Save. Em conexão com aqueles roubos, de acordo com a nossa fonte, oito pessoas foram detidas. Trata-se, segundo explicou, de indivíduos que se dedicam ao roubo de viaturas dentro e fora do país, nomeadamente na província de Tete e na cidade de Maputo, bem como na vizinha República da África do Sul. 

“Estamos preocupados com roubo de viaturas em Inhambane e circulação de veículos ilegais. Devido ao facto estamos a trabalhar no sentido de travar esses crimes. Em alguns casos tem sido difícil localizar os assaltantes porque os lesados comunicam à Polícia a ocorrência depois de esgotarem todas as tentativas de recuperar as viaturas contando com os seus próprios meios de perseguição”, explicou o porta-voz da PRM, indicando ser importante a participação imediata do sucedido às autoridades policiais com vista à neutralização das redes criminosas. As viaturas de marca Izusu, cabine dupla ou simples, Toyota Runex e Corola, têm sido as mais preferidas pelos assaltantes alegadamente por ter maior mercado. 

Por outro lado, a Polícia chama atenção aos proprietários das viaturas a observarem todas as medidas de segurança dos seus veículos, tal como fechar os vidros e trancar as portas de modo a evitar que os assaltantes sejam tentados pela forma como o veículo se encontrar. Em relação a outros tipos de crimes, a PRM, em Inhambane, diz ter neutralizado uma pessoa na posse de uma arma de fogo do tipo pistola sem a devida licença para o seu porte. TRANSIÇÃO PACÍFICA A Polícia da República de Moçambique (PRM) na província de Inhambane elogia o comportamento demonstrado pela população durante a recente quadra festiva evitando que houvesse muitos casos criminais, situação que contribuiu para a tranquilidade, ordem e segurança públicas. 

A despeito desta relativa tranquilidade, o chefe das Relações Públicas e porta-voz do Comando Provincial da PRM, Juma Ali Dauto, disse que alguns automobilistas viram as suas cartas de condução apreendidas depois de surpreendidos a conduzir em estado de embriaguez. As praias de Tofo, Barra e Tofinho, na cidade de Inhambane, Vilankulo, Morrungulo, na Massinga, Guinjanta e Baía dos Coco, no distrito de Jangamo, tal como acontece todos anos por ocasião da quadra festiva, voltaram a acolher maior número de turistas nacionais e estrangeiros que escolheram aqueles locais de lazer para as festas do Natal e do fim do ano. 

A presença da Polícia nas praias bem como nas vias públicas que dão acesso a estes locais e outros aglomerados, permitiram que houvesse disciplina, contribuindo, deste modo, para a redução drástica dos acidentes de viação bem com de naufrágios. 

 Em relação ao sector de Saúdo, o Hospital Provincial de Inhambane
atendeu naquele período 135 doentes padecendo de várias enfermidades, incluído 18 casos de acidentes de viação. Doze doentes chegaram ao HPI transferidos dos hospitais rurais de Chicuque, Quissico, em Zavala, e do Centro de Saúde Urbano de Inhambane. Durante este período não foi registado nenhum óbito. 


Lack of banks affects north of Inhambane

Lack of banks affects north of Inhambane

THE SITUATION causes many pubic institutions to be abandoned each month by civil servants in various parts of those districts, who travel long distances to Vilanculos,Massinga and Homoíne to have access to their salaries, paid via bank.

 Economic agents still rely on rudimentary methods to save money and to pay wages to their workers, besides the great danger associated with their having to carry huge monetary values ​​over long distances to do their banking.
In view of these concerns the provincial director of Earth,Environment and Rural Development in Inhambane, Diogo Borges,said  banking in rural areas remains one of the main challenges of the Government,which for this purpose is mobilizing commercial banks to assess  the financial situation on the ground in the districts.


Heavy rain wreaked havoc in Montupuez

Heavy rain has displaced close to 140 people in the town of Montepuez, in the final end-of- last week.The rains completely destroyed seventeen homes and other over one hundred and twenty partially, as well as streets,some of them
impassable.Rainwater swept in its wake.It destroyed yards and flooded homes. The Municipal Council of Montepuez unfolded into action to alleviate the
suffering left by the fury of the rains. (RM)


Border posts in Ressano Garcia,the southern province of Maputo, recorded their highest-ever rate of entry and exit of nationals and foreigners during the festive season. According to figures released today in Maputo by the National Migration Service(SENAMI), the border post recorded 333,045 persons
entering and leaving the country in the period from December 11 to last Sunday. The borders at Machipanda and Cuchamano in Manica and Tete with Zimbabwe registered 22,172 and 16,581 crossings respectively.

 The border with Malawi at Zóbwè in Tete recorded 10,222, while Maputo International Airport had 18,481. The border post at Golden Point
at the southernmost tip of the country with the South African province of KwaZulu Natal was the least busy, with only 2,791 entries and exits registered. According to the head of the Office of Public Relations of SENAMI, Lúcio Rosa, the country had about 500,000 entries and exits overall between locals and

Foreign visitors over the festive season included 67,790 South Africans, 45 000
Malawians and 28,778 Zimbabweans. Taking into account the concerns of Mozambican workers in South Africa,especially miners, SENAMI has
promised to redouble its efforts to speed up the replacement of passports to enable their timely return to their jobs. Increased efficiency at borders
is ensuring the rapid replacement of passports with SENAMI issuing 5,980 passports during the period and replacing 19,522 passports with the new biometric version, which has particulars to distinguish miners, seasonal workers and other citizens. Overall, SENAMI has been able to legalize the situation of more than 14,000 Mozambicans living and working in South Africa.

Monday, January 4

MINISTRY OF HEALTH REPORT ON FESTIVE SEASON shows that rape is on the rise.

The Ministry of Health says the festive season was characterized by a calm and
peaceful environment,the level of incidents recorded in all health facilities in the country. 

During the reference period,there was a reduction of about 5 percent of trauma
cases, compared to the same period 2014 / 2015.During the festive season of Christmas and New-Year, the Ministry of Health recorded 130 cases of rape,half of which were against minor victims of 14 years.

The Health Minister Nazira Abdula was speaking on Monday in Maputo, at a press conference for the balance of the festive season,she explained that
almost all the country's hospitals were able to meet demand for their services. Regarding  pyrotechnic objects, Abdullah said Nazira 31 cases were
registered,which represents a reduction of about seventy-two percent. 

The Health Minister Nazira Abdula, said that all facilities during the holidays of Christmas and New Year's Eve, were at the height of responding to all requests for blood,for road accident and other incidents.However,the Ministry of Health is concerned about increasing cases of rape,that have occurred since the
festive period 2014 / 2015.About 2,016 people were injured in road accidents during the transition to 2016

New repeater transmitter installed in Morrumbala

The governor of Zambezia said Monday in Morrumbala that the inauguration of the Provincial repeater transmitter signal will galvanize access to information and popularize the development strategies and national unity. 

Abdul Razka spoke at a rally after thebinauguration of the first repeater of Zambezia provincial Issuer Sign, installed in Morrumbala district.According to that ruling, the more than five hundred thousand beneficiaries of the repeater's Morrumbala district,Mopeia, Milange, Nicoadala, Derre, Mutarara, Marromeu and
Sange in Malawi will have information on culture, health,politics, education, sports and state time, with greater speedand quality. 

The president of the board of Radio Mozambique Faruco Sadique,said in turn that then installation of a repeater inbMorrumbala part of thepackage of projects that aim to put the signal to more than sixmillion people in forty districtsof the Zambezi valley.However, some participants o fthe rally said that the implementation of the Zambezia provincial repeater transmitter signal will increasebthe information published by that station on various activities of society.


Cimentos da Beira supplies cement beyond borders

Cimentos da Beira announced a few days ago that it is already selling its product in some markets in Southern Africa,notably Zimbabwe and Malawi.Of British and South African capital,the factory was opened last October and has a capacity to produce 800,000 tons per year.

At the beginning of its operations the unit already had 40,000 tons of"clinker" in stock.For the realization of the project was invested over 45 million US dollars,enabling compliance with the essential requirements for a gender industry,including nstallation of filters to reduce dust.The starting of the production unit,which currently employs 70 workers,was tested successfully after the substation which ensures the supply of electrical energy.

The Director-General of that factory located in the area of ​​Munhava in the city of Beira,in Sofala,Wouter Trollip explained that due to the quality of the product ,it quickly found a place in  in the SADC. Mário Dinis,Commercial Director of Cimentos da Beira,said,meanwhile, that after the start of the production process the company went into a market assessment and concluded that there are favorable conditions for fair competition.

With that unit into operation,the Sofala province now has three cement factories,
particularly Cimentos de Mozambique, which has been  operating for many years with Portuguese investment, and Southern Cement, an Austrian capital investment both located in Dondo and Cimentos da Beira. 

Contrary to what happens elsewhere in the country, the price of cement in Sofala is stabilized, and the average price is 250 meticais,against the previous 450 meticais per 50 kilo bag. As one of the impacts that, the center of the country is virtually flooded with domestically produced cement,which favors the construction sector.

 Recently, the Prime minister, Carlos Agostinho do Rosario,visited Cimentos da Beira, which called on workers,especially domestic, to demonstrate the work culture in the company. He explained that the investor chose Mozambique, in the midst of many countries,testifiying to the fact that the residents of the provincial capital of Sofala are honest,disciplined and humble,so the invvalue this option for Mozambique in general and the city border, in particular. (RM-Sofala)

Survey reveals that the family budget has doubled in the last five years

Data from the Household Budget Survey (HBS)2014/2015 of the National Institute of Statistics (INE),released last week,reveal that Mozambican families doubled the monthly expenses for 6924 meticais against the investigation in data of 2008 /2009.

In terms of monthly spending per person,the data also show an increase by more than double, passing from 721 meticais in 2009 to 1406 in 2015

Calculations show that in 2009 every Mozambican spent on average 24 meticais a day instead of the current 46.8 meticais,equivalent to spending a dollar a day at current exchange.

As the structure of expenditure,the survey shows that families Mozambican families continue to spend more on food products and non-alcoholic beverages,accounting for 35.6% of total spending of
each family.

However,spending on refreshments and non-alcoholic beverages dropped significantly because the 2009 survey represented 51.4% of total monthly spending per household.

Novo confrontos em Murumbala Sabe.

Registou -se um confronto entre homens da Renamo e as forças de defesa e segurança na província de Zambézia mas concretamente no distrito de Murrumbala na localidade de Sabe.

Tudo indica que as FDS foram se posicionado no poço em queos homens da Renamo consumia água durante 4 meses que estão posicionado
mas sem qualquer incidente. desde quarta feira notou-se varias movimentações das FDS que desdobrava a sua força nas matas de sabe,com vários
armamentos pesados com umabmissão de ir desactivar a base da Renamo, entretanto os homens das FDS montaram uma emboscada junto ao poço
de água, mas sem sucesso, osbhomens da Renamo se apercebera da armadilha e posicionaram as suas armas e começaram a disparar contra o
inimigo, tendo assim resultando em vários mortos e feridos na parte do adversário(FDS) .

Os feridos foram evacuado no camião (Canter)que seguiu em direção a hospital distrital de Morrumbala,tendo deslocado a poucos metros do incidente os feridos tiraram os vestes tendo usado de civis para não despertar os agentes de saúde.

SOURCE:Macua blogs.

Moatize-Nacala: transporting coal to start shortly

                                         coal mining in mozambique

Coal transport by train begins to circulate shortly,the railway new line,which connects the regions of Moatize,in Tete province and the port of Nacala,in Nampula,assured this Saturday AIM,the provincial director of Transport and Communications,Romeo Sandoca.

Sandoca explained that everything is ready for the start of coal transport produced in Tete province,because the railway line is fit to do so,after having been inspected and tested last November,when the first batch of this ore was transported from Moatize to the Port of Nacala.

Testing and inspection were made by four locomotives that engaged 120 cars on that line,which has an extension of 902 kilometers,said the provincial director for Transport and Communications in Tete.

That new railway line,which runs through neighboring Malawi,was built by the mining company Vale Mozambique,in order to increase the transport capacity of that ore, which is currently transported to the port of Beira,where part to the
outside through the Sena line which has a length of more than 570 kilometers. It is forecast that the transport of coal to Nacala start this January,because the line is ready, as it has been inspected and just to see,in November 2015, Vale made the delivery of the first batch of coal said,Romeo Sandoca.

According to the source,within reign of users,Vale Mozambique, many expectations because this multinational has already increased its flow capacity of the coal.

He added that the line will also serve other mining companies that extract and export coal,which currently use the Sena line,a railroad that is also used by the business owner Mozambique Railways (CFM) for transporting other cargo and passengers.

Currently,active coal Exports from Tete besides Vale Mozambique,especially ICVL (formerly Rio Tinto) Jindal and Africa.The first two companies have their mining in Moatize district, and the third and final extracts the ore in the new Marara District, before belonging to the Changara district.

For the Government of Tete,the expected commissioning of the new railway line will be an asset,because coal is the product that stands out most in that province,in terms of production volumes,and becomes also one that contributes most to the state coffers in monetary terms.This is the reason that multinationals are betting on its extraction,despite the price that ore has registered by falling in the international market,the source said.
Recently disclosed information by the Executive in Tete indicate that this province got last year growth estimated at 8.5 percent, to collect all 58 million meticais to the state treasury.In 2014, global production was 46 million meticais.

In the two years compared, the mining industry has always stood at
the fore front.For example,in 2015 the contribution of the production of coal for the economy of Tete province was about 50 percent.

President of the Republic prioritizes peace and reconciliation

The President of the Republic,Filipe Nyusi said that 2015 was a year in which Mozambicans witnessed exhilarating events and challenges and called everyone work hard for a brighter 2016.

"As a nation,society and citizens,we were protagonists and witnesses,in
the year about to end,of events and exhilarating challenges," said Nyusi in his message for the End-of-year.

The Mozambicsn Head of State stressed that"by each adversity and challenge we overcomed we improved our preparation for a new year with hard work of all will be brighter".

Nyusi also expressed the hope that 2016 will be a year of peace,solidarity,harmony and progress in Mozambican society,replicated worldwide.

"At this moment of celebration, featuring the one-year transition to the other,we have good reasons and renewed hope of a 2016,peace, solidarity,harmony,progress and harmony in Mozambican society,
replicated worldwide'',he said.

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Gorongosa National Park Prepares for Sixth Aerial Census